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24/7 Customer Support

Waterloo Limousine Service

Ontario l4z 2Y8 Mississauga,Canada


24/7 Customer Support


24/7 Customer Support

Rent a Limo: If you’re planning on attending a party or event in a limousine Service, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers that alcohol can bring. In this article, we’ll outline some ways to deal with renting a limo service and make sure that everyone has a safe and fun time!

1. Develop A Strategy

To avoid potential issues at your party with limousine services, ensure you have an action plan in place in case any arise. Select an intervention tactic should someone become misbehave or overly boisterous while simultaneously being prepared for unpleasant odors or potential vomit issues.

Be sure to arrange for adequate transportation when returning home after drinking alcohol, being informed about possible consequences and making plans to call Uber or taxi services when arriving at your location.

Waterloo Limousine Service

2. Abiding By Guidelines

It’s essential that everyone within your party understands that when it comes to alcohol use, everyone in a limousine service must abide by similar policies. A responsible adult must supervise anyone underage or drunk who consumes any alcoholic beverages; and ensure everyone in your party knows and abides by these guidelines.

Drink in moderation! Alcohol will not be served to minors or intoxicated individuals and the limousine firm will take disciplinary measures against anyone violating these regulations.

Companies providing limousine rental services impose stringent rules when it comes to driving after drinking alcohol, with drivers potentially facing arrest and charges of DUI if it appears they were driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drinking while driving is illegal and could have serious repercussions – avoid doing this to stay out of trouble with authorities!

Waterloo Limousine Service

3. Consumption in Moderation

It is crucial that when drinking while using a limousine service, alcohol consumption remains within limits and within acceptable amounts for every individual, vehicle and occasion. Also ensure that no alcohol consumption occurs prior to getting behind the wheel of an vehicle and be wary of risks associated with driving while drunk.

Please refrain from booking with us if you cannot manage alcohol responsibly and moderately. While making decisions can be a challenging endeavor, our aim remains the same – ensure a fun yet safe journey!

Waterloo Limousine Service

4. Replacements or Drinks

Don’t hesitate to offer drinks like water and alcohol as necessary during a limousine rental trip, particularly to thirsty party members who might require something. Keep a pitcher of iced tea nearby should anyone become dehydrated during their ride.

Provide snacks or refreshments to any members of your group who might enjoy eating something. Furthermore, inquire with the rental business about any available meal or drink discounts.

Waterloo Limousine Service

5. Keep Your Eye On Children

One of the key strategies in order to manage alcohol in hire limousine services is keeping an eye on children. Consumption by young people increases their risk for misbehaving or accidents – therefore it is crucial that we monitor them to make sure that they refrain from drinking alcohol.

Employing sober drivers is another strategy for controlling alcohol usage when renting a limousine. A sober driver will keep an eye out on fellow passengers to make sure that they do not overindulge in alcohol consumption and reduce accident risks as a result of having sober drivers present in your limo ride.

Waterloo Limousine Service

6. Good Decision-Making

It is crucial that when drinking with limousine service providers, one exercises extreme caution when drinking alcohol. Prior to driving a vehicle or using any alcohol of any sort – ensure they’re sober before getting behind the wheel of any car! Moderation should always be observed.

Remind yourself to drink slowly and in moderation; take breaks or call a taxi if your impairment begins to worsen.

7. Don’t Touch Anything

It is crucially important that when renting a limousine service you understand that any form of touching, such as window controls and door knobs can result in fines or jail time being levied against you if found touching anything within it.

Waterloo Limousine Service

9. Remain Calm

It is crucial that when things begin to escalate, one keeps their composure. Arguing with other passengers in your limousine service and trying to manage things yourself should always be avoided as party violation violations associated with limousine rental might incur penalties and even jail time!

When something goes amiss, remain composed and polite. Inform the driver of what happened and request assistance as necessary. Avoid becoming angry or upset over anything that arises and refrain from acting rashly – renting a limousine won’t add anything extra to your holiday experience; all it should do is cause additional hassles!

Waterloo Limousine Service


Like most individuals, you might enjoy going out with friends for drinks and having an enjoyable evening. What happens, though, when alcohol consumption becomes an issue? Are limousine rental agencies expected to accommodate drivers who may have consumed too much alcohol? Here are a few strategies for handling situations of this sort in an appropriate and safe manner.

At first, it’s essential to keep in mind that even an intoxicated driver remains responsible for operating their car, thus it would be wise not to attempt seizing control from them or approaching them directly in order to avoid endangering yourself and others. Instead, simply sit back and enjoy yourself! After all, this should be fun experience!